office-locations our-doctors skin-conditions skincare-tips
The ABCs of Acne
June 14, 2018
According to the American Academy of Dermatology, acne is the most common skin condition in the U.S. In fact, almost 85 percent of Americans have been affected by acne at some point in their lives. And the majority of patients we see, both teens and adults, are dealing or have dealt with acne. Surprisingly, despite […]
office-locations our-doctors skincare-tips
4 Steps for Proper Sunscreen Application
June 1, 2018
Have you ever put on sunscreen and thought you did a good job, only to realize a few hours later that you still got sunburnt? You’re not alone. Chances are, you may have missed a critical step in your sunscreen application routine. From selecting your sunscreen to the steps you take before, during, and after […]
office-locations our-doctors skin-conditions
3 Surprising Facts About Skin Cancer
May 18, 2018
As part of Skin Cancer Awareness Month, we thought it would be beneficial to share some interesting facts about this common, yet frequently misunderstood form of cancer. We strongly believe that the more facts you have your disposal, the better off you will be. Fact #1: More than 1 million cases of skin cancer will […]
office-locations our-doctors skin-conditions skincare-tips
Skin Cancer Awareness Month Guide
May 3, 2018
May is Skin Cancer Awareness Month — and for good reason. This time of year is typically the turning point for a lot of people in terms of spending time outside. It’s that time of year when people shed off those jackets and boots and trade them in for short-sleeves and flip-flops. They pick more […]
office-locations our-doctors skincare-tips
The Importance of Good Skin Hygiene
April 20, 2018
Did you know that your skin is the largest organ in your body? In fact, your skin plays a vital role in regulating your body’s temperature, insulation and production of vitamin D. Which is exactly why the health of your skin has such a huge impact on your overall physical health. With this in mind, […]
office-locations our-doctors skin-conditions
Eczema and How to Treat It
April 5, 2018
Eczema is a fairly common skin condition that affects about 20 percent of children and up to 3 percent of adults worldwide. It is identified as a reaction pattern —typically red, raised blisters — the skin produces. Eczema is connected to a gene variation that affects the skin’s ability to provide protection, leaving it exposed […]
office-locations our-doctors skincare-tips
Best Foods for a Clear Complexion
March 21, 2018
Warmer weather is right around the corner — is your skin ready for its spring debut? For most of us, now is the time of year when we scramble for the self-tanner and start taking steps to get our skin into tip-top shape. If you are struggling to achieve that fresh, clean glow, you may […]
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Common CoolSculpting® Questions
March 8, 2018
At one point or another, you have probably asked yourself, “how can I lose unwanted fat quickly?” And while the answer depends on your current lifestyle, diet and body type, one of the options we recommend to our patients is CoolSculpting®. What is CoolSculpting®? CoolSculpting® technology safely delivers preciously controlled cooling to gently and effectively […]
office-locations our-doctors skin-conditions
The Truth Behind Skin Tags
February 21, 2018
One of the most common skin conditions we encounter is skin tags. These are typically small, benign skin growths that are most often found on areas of the skin where clothing runs against the skin or where there is skin-to-skin friction. For example, the neck, armpits, groin and eyelids are the most common places where […]
office-locations our-doctors skincare-tips
DIY Pampering Tips
February 8, 2018
It’s the season of love, y’all! And while we fully support you showering your sweetheart with lots of love this time of year, we also encourage you to spread that love around a little bit. Take some time out of your busy schedule to pamper yourself and give your skin the much-needed love it deserves. […]
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Mount Pleasant Location Open
January 26, 2018
Our team is excited to share that our office has expanded access to medical, surgical and cosmetic skin care services by opening a satellite office in Mount Pleasant. Lee Yarbrough, MD, one of the practice’s three founders, will be seeing patients on Fridays from 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. at 1165 Chuck Dawley Boulevard. “Since […]
office-locations our-doctors skincare-tips
Skincare Resolutions for 2018
December 15, 2017
For most people, a new year signals a new opportunity for a fresh start. Whether that means resolving to revamp your diet or call your mother more frequently, the New Year is the perfect time to put your best foot forward. And that includes your skincare routine. As the New Year approaches, we encourage you […]