
Charleston Dermatology Blog

5 Surprising Benefits of Botox

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Though most well-known for its help reducing wrinkles, Botox injections have many applications beyond fighting signs of aging. 

By repurposing the ​​onobotulinumtoxinA, a toxin produced by a microbe that causes botulism, this wonder of the medical community helps to relax muscles and halt their movement in injection sites. These properties make Botox a solution for issues other than fixing frown lines and flattening crow’s feet.

1. Reducing Migraines

The use of Botox for The use of Botox for migraines was discovered in 1992 when Dr. William Binder, a Beverly Hills plastic surgeon, noticed that patients being treated for fine lines and wrinkles were reporting fewer headaches following treatments.migraines was discovered in 1992 when Dr. William Binder, a Beverly Hills plastic surgeon, noticed that patients being treated for wrinkles were reporting fewer headaches following treatments.

Botox-induced treatments for chronic migraines are administered through a series of injections throughout the face and neck. Treatment benefits typically last patients about three months before requiring another dose.

2. Reducing Excessive Sweating

If you experience chronic excessive sweating, you may be living with hyperhidrosis. This condition causes individuals to sweat profusely in abnormal scenarios, such as cool weather and during low-level activity. Botox is shown to benefit those with excessive sweating and is FDA-approved for treatment.

Injections are approved for underarm sweating and administered directly into the site. The medicine blocks nerves that trigger overactive sweat glands by essentially paralyzing them. While not FDA-approved, your care provider may consider Botox treatments for other parts of the body as well, such as sweaty palms.

3. Correcting Cross or Lazy Eye

Strabismus, or Cross-Eye, is a condition in which muscular issues do not allow both eyes to align at the same time. This misalignment of the eyes can result in underdeveloped nerve connections between the brain and weakened eyes. Strabismus affects about 4% of Americans. 

Botox injections are FDA-approved as a recommended treatment for Cross-Eye and are believed to be the first-known medical use for the drug. Injections are made directly into the muscles surrounding the troubled eye, relaxing them to help temporarily reduce misalignment.

4. Alleviating Overactive Bladders

Botox is another FDA-approved treatment for those affected by OAB or overactive bladder. OAB occurs when nerves send signals to the bladder at inappropriate times, causing symptoms such as the frequent urge to go, leakage and more. 

To treat OAB, Botox is administered directly into the bladder muscles. Injections help to block the abnormally frequent nerve signals that cause OAB symptoms. Botox treatments for this condition are typically required every six months. 

5. Reducing Eye Twitching

For those living with annoying eye twitches, Botox injections are a viable solution. Treatments are done by injecting the medicine directly into the muscles surrounding the affected eye.

Benefits from treatments typically last patients about three months before another injection session is required. 

Schedule a consultation with a Charleston Dermatology board-certified dermatologist today to learn more about Botox, any current specials, and our other services like CoolSculpting, Juvederm and more.

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