
Charleston Dermatology Blog

3 Facts about Mohs Surgery

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You found a spot on your skin, went to your dermatologist, and found out it was a skin cancer? And now they are recommending a Mohs procedure?

Got questions? We’ve got you.

Here are 3 facts about Mohs surgery that you may want to know about if you’ve been diagnosed with skin cancer.

  1. Mohs surgery is often a top choice for treating skin cancer because the surgeon is able to make sure he removes all of the cancerous areas before completing the procedure. This means that it has a high cure rate when it comes to treating skin cancer.
  2. Mohs surgery allows your surgeon to get rid of skin cancer while removing the least amount of skin possible. This often leads to the best possible cosmetic result for the patient.
  3. Mohs surgery often takes several hours to complete. Be sure to be prepared to potentially spend several hours at your dermatology office.

Not every skin cancer is treated with Mohs surgery. Your dermatology provider will help decide if Mohs surgery is the best treatment option for your specific diagnosis.

Have more questions about Mohs surgery? Be sure to ask your dermatology provider at your next visit or schedule one today!

Author: Sarah Fender, PA-C

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