
Charleston Dermatology Blog

The Right Way to Shave Your Face

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You mean shaving your face is not just for men anymore? Yep, you heard us right! Chances are you may have heard about the newer trend of shaving your face, also known as dermaplaning. Have questions? We’ve got you! Let’s chat about dermaplaning and how to do it correctly.


What is dermaplaning?

Dermaplaning is the process of using a tool to remove excess hair and dead skin cells from the top layer of your skin. It is typically a safe procedure and can be done at home or by a professional.


What are the benefits?

Dermaplaning can give skin a smooth, glowing appearance due to the exfoliation it provides. Many patients love how their makeup goes on smoothly after treatment and it allows skincare products to absorb more!


But wait, won’t my hair grow back thicker and darker?

No! This is a common hair myth. You may notice that your hair grows back feeling “sharper” at first, however, this will subside and your hair will go back to feeling and looking normal with time!


How is it done?

Dermaplaning can be performed at home or by a professional. When performed by a professional, a medical grade scalpel is used which provides a very close shave/exfoliation. Remember, medical grade scalpels should only be used by professionals in a medical setting! 


If you would like to perform dermaplaning at home, skip the traditional razor and reach for a tool such as an eyebrow razor that consists of a single blade on a handle. Make sure your face is clean prior to beginning the procedure and be sure to use a new, clean razor every time!


Holding the razor at a 45 degree angle, perform small strokes in a downward motion wherever you have facial hair or are desiring extra exfoliation. If you are experiencing an active breakout, be sure to avoid those areas or wait until your breakout subsides to perform the procedure.


If you aren’t comfortable performing this at home, be sure to see a professional for your treatment!


Have more questions about dermaplaning? Be sure to ask your provider at your next appointment! Need to make one? Give us a call at (843) 872-3015 or book an appointment online!

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