office-locations our-doctors skin-conditions
Causes and Effects of Rosacea
September 20, 2018
Have you ever met someone who has extra sensitive skin? Their cheeks easily flush when there’s a slight breeze or their face turns bright red if spend any time out in the sun? While you may just assume it has to do with their skin type (and it very well might), there’s also a very […]
office-locations our-doctors services skincare-tips
Benefits of CoolSculpting
September 7, 2018
At Charleston Dermatology, we are proud to be able to offer our Charleston community the opportunity to eliminate fat with the revolutionary CoolSculpting procedure. This fat reduction treatment is the only FDA-cleared procedure that uses controlled cooling to target and eliminate fat. Not sure if CoolSculpting is right for you? Here are just some of […]
office-locations our-doctors skincare-tips
Exercise and Your Skin
August 28, 2018
We all know that exercise is good for us. It has been proven time and again to have countless benefits for our physical and mental health. But did you know that exercise can actually benefit your skin’s health, too? It’s true! Exercise promotes healthy blood and oxygen circulation throughout your body, which in turn helps […]
office-locations our-doctors skincare-tips
Five Fun Facts About Sunscreen
August 15, 2018
Sure, we use it — or we should use it — every day, but do we really know everything there is to know about our sunscreen? Most of us know that sunscreen is a product that can help provide protection against UV rays, sunburns and even help prevent pre-mature wrinkles or age spots. But can […]
office-locations our-doctors skincare-tips
The Tanning Dilemma
July 30, 2018
It’s a tale as old as time. Summer hits and everyone is looking to achieve that “healthy glow” of sun-kissed skin. Thousands of people storm the beach, soaking in as much Vitamin D sunshine as they can. The tanner they get the better, right? Wrong. There is no form of tanning that is considered safe. […]
office-locations our-doctors services skincare-tips
Botox Treatment: Dos and Don’ts
July 12, 2018
Are you struggling with wrinkles? Then a Botox treatment may be the answer for you. Botox is a brand of botulinum toxin therapy that is typically associated with helping to alleviate wrinkles caused by overactive facial muscles in the upper part of the face. However, it was also created to treat dermatologic conditions such as […]
office-locations our-doctors skincare-tips
Top Three Ways to Slow Down Aging
July 3, 2018
If the song “If I Could Turn Back Time,” is quickly becoming your new life anthem, then you’re not alone. As we continue to age year after year, it is simply human nature to desire to look and feel younger than you are. And while there’s not really much you can do to prevent the […]
office-locations our-doctors skin-conditions skincare-tips
The ABCs of Acne
June 14, 2018
According to the American Academy of Dermatology, acne is the most common skin condition in the U.S. In fact, almost 85 percent of Americans have been affected by acne at some point in their lives. And the majority of patients we see, both teens and adults, are dealing or have dealt with acne. Surprisingly, despite […]
office-locations our-doctors skincare-tips
4 Steps for Proper Sunscreen Application
June 1, 2018
Have you ever put on sunscreen and thought you did a good job, only to realize a few hours later that you still got sunburnt? You’re not alone. Chances are, you may have missed a critical step in your sunscreen application routine. From selecting your sunscreen to the steps you take before, during, and after […]
office-locations our-doctors skin-conditions
3 Surprising Facts About Skin Cancer
May 18, 2018
As part of Skin Cancer Awareness Month, we thought it would be beneficial to share some interesting facts about this common, yet frequently misunderstood form of cancer. We strongly believe that the more facts you have your disposal, the better off you will be. Fact #1: More than 1 million cases of skin cancer will […]
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Skin Cancer Awareness Month Guide
May 3, 2018
May is Skin Cancer Awareness Month — and for good reason. This time of year is typically the turning point for a lot of people in terms of spending time outside. It’s that time of year when people shed off those jackets and boots and trade them in for short-sleeves and flip-flops. They pick more […]
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The Importance of Good Skin Hygiene
April 20, 2018
Did you know that your skin is the largest organ in your body? In fact, your skin plays a vital role in regulating your body’s temperature, insulation and production of vitamin D. Which is exactly why the health of your skin has such a huge impact on your overall physical health. With this in mind, […]